Thursday 20 September 2012

Best Friend's Passion

My best friend loves kids, and she has a special spot in her heart for this little one. 

Tuesday 4 September 2012

First Wedding Shoot!

Crazy experience right here. My dad has a customer that wanted him to perform their wedding ceremony down in North Vancouver. It was just a small little ceremony and they didn't have anyone to take pictures so my dad volunteered me. I didn't think it was much but it turned out to be a pretty good experience and it was great because there was no pressure on me. The couple and the people that came were really sweet and easy to take photos of too. The only downsides were the harsh lighting and the fact that I came totally unprepared. It still turned out to be really fun and I have to give my parents credits for helping me get this opportunity. :) 
(the last photo (the panorama) is the view from where the ceremony took place)